
Mass Hypnosis

This would normally go to Perchance To Dream, but the theme really best suited it for this blog.

I was in Chester.

I'd turned my wand crystals into a proper wand. Something kind of like this.

So I can use obsidian to draw a person to me, and to trance people. There's a store in Chester that I visit, whose services I'd sought. They'd converted my stone into a proper wand for me, and as I picked it up I noticed something different about my little stone, at the end of the wand.

Such as how quickly, and effortlessly, it drew and captivated the shop keeper and her husband, just trancing them right there and then without my having done so much as pick it up and hold it in my hand. I told them to go to the back and remove their clothes, and come back onto the shop floor, on a dare. They obeyed without question, standing there side by side, naked in the middle of the shop floor.

So in a proper wand, my obsidian can really hypnotise. In my dream, though, I wanted to try something a little grander in scale.

There is this raised area in Chester in front of a church, St Peter's On The Cross. I held it aloft, watching the crowd in the street below, and just whispered "Pay attention." The crowd stopped, staring at the obsidian at the tip of the wand. I moved it in circles, a lazy eight, and then brought it straight down. Hundreds of people, tourists and natives, followed the crystal at the tip and closed their eyes, sinking into a trance.

I then told the crowd to say hello, and hundreds of voices said "Hello."

And then the alarm went off.

Now I seriously want to put one of my obsidian crystals onto the end of a wooden wand, just like the one above.

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