
Full Spectrum

Not everybody can perceive the things I send them with all their senses. Those who can see, hear, touch, taste and smell my sendings are what I call "full spectrum" clients. Those who can only, say, hear and feel, or maybe smell and taste, my sendings only have partial spectrum modalities enabled.

However, those modalities' sensitivity can be changed; activated and set to higher gain, the same way as you can use the graphic equaliser settings in a media device - with channel mute and slider bars to adjust the gain, only each sliding bar is a single sensory modality. At the bottom, or when mute is selected, the client feels or perceives othing with that sense: at 100%, the client's perception is ultra-real.

Working with one of my clients, whose sensory modalities of sight and sound had been restricted, I managed to work with her tonight to activate her full sensory modalities. Now she can see, hear, touch, taste and smell whatever is in front of her -whatever images and sensory delights I send to her.
I dropped a flower on her lap. Until today, she could only feel and smell that item; today, she could see that it was a red rose.
I can't wait till tomorrow - the chocolates I'll have on her table will look as delicious as they feel, smell and taste.

And one more thing.

I've been working to create a convincing hypnotic interrogation scenario. Something I can work on so I can give it to any and all of my clients from now on in. Some of this is pretty experimental stuff.
Apart from testing the new sensory modality channel settings on her, I wanted to make sure that tomorrow's experience will be as realistic for my client as possible.
So tonight, I let "Dostoyevsky" enter the room in which she was chatting to me.
I made "Dostoyevsky" a tall, slender, bald, black MiB. Big, intimidating ... frankly, Teal'c in a suit and shades.

And she saw him ... and it scared the crap out of her.

I am all ready for tomorrow's session. And so is my client.

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