
Erotic Commands

What would you consider an erotic post-hypnotic suggestion? Undressing in public? Masturbation? A spontaneous orgasm triggered by an email without a subject heading, and just the one word - JOY - in the main body?

A news article I read once, a few years ago, described how a pretty lady once walked into a college fraternity house, disrobed and masturbated naked on the sofa for a number of minutes while bewildered frat boys looked on. She never once stopped listening to her mobile phone. Presumably, the voice on the far end was directing her.

I have created erotic triggers for sexual behaviour among many clients (all willing). Those triggers can come from anywhere. A scrap of cloth of a particular colour; a sound; a scent or smell; a word; an image; an audio file; an email.

So I have to ask: what do you want?

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