
How I Became The Hypnotician - Part 3

So you've been to see part 1 of this story, where my hypnotic life began in earnest with that little hypno hub in the comics store (after getting kicked out of the uni student's union for unauthorised hypnotising students on the premises!).

And you've just now seen how I got fell in with my mentor, Miss G, who trained me further in hypnosis, and gave me the basics of her practices.

So there was a short fallow period between the time that Miss G and I parted company, and the rise of The Hypnotician. And it took a tragedy to catalyse the changes that would lead to where I am today.

Tragic Catalyst

In January 2011, I lost my brother unexpectedly.

In the wake of the loss, I buried my nose in blogging. After some success with hypnotic scripts on Livejournal (and my now-defunct old blog The Plainclothes Clown), I opened a hypnotic blog on Blogspot, called Hypnotic Erotic.

Just out of curiosity, I posted a simple script to one blog post, which is here. To my surprise, it attracted attention, and a few of what I came to regard as my first clients.

My blog drew more attention, and I posted more scripts and the first few spirals.

And while I was doing that, the hypnokink community was starting to form all around the world.

Hypnokink Communities

There are many kink communities, but the hypnokink community really began in earnest in the 2010s. One of the first online hypnokink communities was formed on the kink site Fetlife in 2010. Hypnotic Erotic began two years later.

Early Clientele

During my early career, I was just focusing on writing good scripts and honing my hypnotic abilities. I was anticipating only a casual clientele to build up, people who just came to be tranced on an ad hoc basis. I focused on crafting scripts to induce trances more deeply, and to bring people into deeper trances once they dropped.

Learning My Trade

A popular truism says that it takes seven years to learn a skill to the point of mastery, about ten thousand hours of dedicated work and practice.

The period 2010 - 2018 brought me a lot of new information: spirals, subliminals, NLP, and so on. Two of my favourites are scripts - narrative inductions - and pied pipers, my proprietary brand of "subversive audio files."

Verbal Inductions and Scripts

Traditional hypnosis uses visual media such as pendants, crystals and so on; but with the development on NLP in the 1970s, purely verbal inductions caught on. Narrative inductions, Ericksonian storytelling, has enabled hypnotists to create scripts - stories and poems written to be literally hypnotic. Without the development of narrative inductions, the script pages in this blog would probably not be here, and I'd still be stuck with waving bits of glittering rocks in people's faces.

Pied Pipers

I obtained an audio editor, Audacity, that allowed me to begin to sample music tracks for looped beats, which I created, adding subliminal tracks to them to make them irresistible. And I called these gems "Pied Pipers."

All they are is music, drum loops basically - but the music is designed to be blanked out by the mind after a few minutes, just how the mind blanks out the music in a supermarket. Which allows the subliminal instructions to be carried deep into the unconscious mind, bypassing the conscious mind altogether.

I seriously want to see what would happen if I could insert PP99 into the music playback system of a supermarket. Especially the extended 40 minute version.


I have to mention spirals here. The last handful of years has been the dawn of the heyday of spirals - videos and gifs of intricate, looped abstract images designed to be hypnotic and trance-inducing.

Moire patterns had existed since the 1970s, but with Erik Soderberg's Fractal Experience Part 2, the animated spiral gif took off to dominate the visual trancing market, to the point where no decent hypnotist would be seen without a tablet stuffed with spirals to display to clients in the field.

The Arrival of The Hypnotician

The blog became very popular. In 2014, it reached 100,000+ people, and promised to bring another 100,000 before the end of 2015.

But then the site got hacked, and when it was rebooted, it was in its present form - The Hypnotician - with all its trimmings and spirals.


My long standing multi-part fiction adventure featuring "Cassie and Alison" became immensely popular, gathering thousands of hits each.

Too popular, in fact.

The stories had to come to a halt. Somebody reported the blog to the police. And the cops came to my door asking if I knew anything about stolen nitrous oxide gas bottles. Nine had gone missing in the course of 2014, and we are talking about the big long ones.

Someone was under the impression that my stories were, in some way, real.

Either way, the stories had to come to a halt at that point. Just in case.

But since no further action was taken, and the police have got a brain after all, I'm considering picking up the pen in 2019.


Apart from the Cassie and Alison stories, I have written mind control stories for the Erotic Mind Control Story Archive and Literotica. In 2017, I wrote a novel-length story called Temptations of Room Zero for NaNoWriMo - as yet unpublished. I want to write a new story, Room Zero, in 2019, taking some six months to complete approximately.


Output slowed for The Hypnotician for a time, because my efforts were focused on an adult blog on tumblr called The Erotician. Most of the posts were just softcore erotic images, but mingling with the softcore material were spirals, mostly for the hypnotic clients.

Spirals were presented on their own, without scripts. By this time, I was trancing clients over text, in person and by email. Even over the phone, or audio channels on messenger apps such as Skype, Trillian, Hangouts, Facebook Messenger and the old Yahoo Messenger.

The 2018 Great tumblr Purge and What Lies Ahead

On 2018-12-17, tumblr decided to purge adult blogs, effectively killing off The Erotician. However, in the move away from tumblr, this blog became revivified and, between a raft of new fiction, a possible novel length story which I am writing for publication, and a host of new and exciting clients, there should be no shortage of new and fascinating hypnotic exploits soon to be recorded here.

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