Seducer Song
Take a look, world.
Take a good, long look
Through my eyes.
They say an empath
Can read people's emotions
As if they were their own.
What they don't say
Don't know
Can't imagine
Is that we can take your feelings
Wrap ours around them
Project them into the hearts
And minds of others
Make you see the way we see
Feel the world how we feel.
I am an empath.
I am one of those who
Hears the songs and screams
Of your heart
Shows you the mirror
Reflections of your feelings
The drowning tides of passion
Hard wet fever
Joy and suffering
Fear, mortal fear oh so real
And, of course,
My favourite emotion.
My words are aimed at desire.
Words in my poems
Zipping along wires or on the air
On pages in my blog
They reach into the cold
Heart of you where the
Emotions lie dormant
They breathe life on the embers
The dark and the ashes and the ice
Bring embers into strengthening spark
Spark into flickering flame
Guttering flame into roaring fire
Passion's fire into searing inferno
Blazing in your chest
Feel it spread throughout your body
Radiating from your face
Blood rich in dopamine
Desire awakened and roused
Passions stirring
Tinged with guilt
That you should feel this way
A little fear -
What if people see? -
But then my words surge up
Again, the flood
Washing, drowning out
The chilling vestiges of fear
Ice melting in your breast
In your soul
As you wonder what
The hell you are drinking.
My words are oxygen
To your hunger
Petrol on the wild fire
Of your desire
A carbon rod to
Your nuclear lust
And I watch vigilantly as
The heat streams from you
Head body heart and soul
Rising from flushing faces
Bodies shifting with discomfort
And arousal
Shimmering with the heat haze
Of longing
Eager to be away
Anywhere but in public
Hungry to share the fever
With the one who stoked the fire
With seducer song
With hypnotist's croon
Lingering deep in your burning soul
Long after the echoes
Of the words themselves
Have died.

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