I have a highly NSFW blog on tumblr, The Erotician. The site would seem to just depict a whole stream of disjointed images of naked women in various poses, but as with weapons and mayonnaise, the item is just on display. What you do with those images is up to you.
In my erotic writings, as in my blog posts, I set the ground for what you would call a limit-experience: an experience of such intensity that it takes you to the edge of your experiences. In mathematical terms, this would be you skirting the edge of a catastrophe curve, knowing that there was always a chance that you would fall.
What makes an erotic experience?
Eroticism was once defined as "the intrusion into the public sphere of something that was at base private." Eroticism is intrusion, to some; transgression, to others. Subject to erotic impulses as a result of being stimulated by erotic materials, you are transported towards a state of arousal, approaching an ecstatic state. This does tend to be frowned upon by society as a whole, but mostly this is due to conditioning and programming over centuries, and the inhibitory effect of civilisation. Indeed, erotica is viewed as material which is designed to break the civilised mindset - to dissolve the barriers set up in the mind by society, and to release impulses, thoughts and feelings which society has deemed primeval, primitive and therefore somehow less than ideal.
Society labours under the delusion that there is some sort of non-sexual ecstatic state, Agape ("ah-GAH-pei" rather than "ah-GEYP") which is religious, numinous, subtle, sacred and in every way Higher and more Transcendent than the base physical ecstasy of Eros, which is the ecstatic state of arousal, desire, hunger, need and copulation. "White Light Romance" with choral music, as compared to athletic naked count-the-legs-and-divide-by-two with a raunchy sax and dirty guitar bow chicka wah wah soundtrack.
It's a Victorian thing. Go figure.
The nature of the erotic material in my blogs is to stimulate Eros. I make no bones about this. Agape is a myth. There is no God; God is an invention of churches, intended to keep people weak, subservient and obedient. A society that is predicated on the masses being weak and vulnerable, having to beg the authorities to keep them protected, is sickening - a travesty. Eros allows you to ignore your cultural conditioning, to rise above the stupidity you have been conditioned to believe in, and to come to a shocking truth.
You make your own decisions. You, and you alone, decide who, or what, can turn you on. Your tastes are yours - not something assigned to you by some faceless bureaucrat, and certainly not by your child-molesting hypocrite of a pastor. And when you are in the presence of that which can turn you on, you can exercise your right to be turned on; to feel the pleasure of dancing naked with your lovers to the music that makes you horny, letting your aroused bodies turn each other on in turn until you are ready to explore one another's pleasure.
Even if you are on your own, even if you have no lover, my erotic thoughts here and elsewhere are meant to break the stranglehold of your oppressive cultural conditioning; to awaken the sexual you inside, so you can feel happy to walk around your own home naked, glass of wine in one hand, lit joint in the other, again dancing to the soundtrack that makes you horny, with the forcibly-imposed burdens of "propriety" and "shame" exposed as the frauds they are and dissolved from your mind.
That is what I offer. I offer you little tastes and opportunities to savour what it is like to accept yourself - your body, your mind, your impulses, your appetites. Your pleasures. Your taboos.
I offer you a taste of what it is like to cast off those chains and, even if only for a moment, to be free.

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