I received some emails from an 18 y.o. living in Texas. She had clearly found my website, read a page and fallen into a trance. Fair enough.
But then a short time later, I received emails from another woman, age 39, also from Texas. Who turns out to be the young woman's mother.
So now I can claim I've snared my first family package. Imagine the two of them, sitting there staring at the screen. Blank. Vacant. Ready for instructions.
I'm throwing this up for suggestions. What do you think I should do with them both? :)
Edit: It should be mentioned that I gave them both, separately, the same instruction. I asked them to tell me how I, and this blog, make them feel.
First contact at 2014-09-23 00:06:06 was with the daughter, who sent the first contact indicator email: she had indeed fallen into a trance and was ready to be tranced.
The mom, at 2014-09-23 03:41:51, sent an indicator email, and a followup at 2014-09-23 03:43:45.
The daughter wrote 2014-09-23 2014 13:59:44: I don't know how you make me feel just that I must contact you. This is even more so as I am a lesbian.
The mother wrote 2014-09-23 15:33:55: You make me feel curious about what my mind and body are capable of. I feel aroused at the thought of being in trance.
Edit: Further emails:-
2014-09-24 01:56:29: [Mom] Never send another email to this address.
2014-09-24 02:01:16: [Mom] I have read your blogs and you need help.
2014-09-24 05:20:46: [Daughter] I read this story that must have hypnotized me
No names, of course ...

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