I know this thing about the guy next door. He can really kiss.
I enjoy snuggling with him, just tasting the wine and the chocolates we'd been eating. Sharing his body warmth. Then he gets up and says something weird.
'Hey, I'd like to show you something.'
I wonder if that is his shorthand for 'I want you to give me a blow job' for a moment, but then I rise to the bait. 'Go ahead.'
He says something, but I can't make out what he says. I am about to ask him to repeat what he says, when I hear the door open. I can't remember leaving the front door open, because there's another man in the room. Jeans, sneakers, black T shirt.
I look at the man's face.
'Wait a minute.'
I recognise him. 'It's ... it's Shia laBoeuf.'
I can't believe this. Shia laBoeuf, the man himself, standing right in front of me.
I get up and approach him. He says 'Hi.' I say 'Hi' back. I glance at the guy, who's watching me. 'You never told me you know this guy.'
'I have a few people on speed dial.'
I hesitate a little. Shia looks concerned. 'What?'
I extend a hand. 'May I?' He nods. I touch his shoulder, and then his chest.
Oh my God, I'm touching Shia laBoeuf!
The guy says something else. I don't hear what he says. 'Can you speak more loudly?' I ask. But then the door opens, and someone else comes into the room.
'It can't be.'
Someone else is coming into the room through the door. It's Christina Hendricks.
My jaw hits the floor. I always fancied her.

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