You know, I'd never been so tired before in my life. I get through a lot of work at university, and I like to blow off my tensions with a few drinks at the Students Union bar some nights, but tonight was damned strange.
It's weird, but it's as if I have had two evenings. I have vague ideas, almost like some sort of a daydream, where I was passing out on the floor; but I also seem to have just been sitting at my vanity, brushing my hair. I think I must have thrown my underwear onto the floor, but I don't know why. I just had no idea why I was brushing my hair, naked.
Or why it was turning me on to be naked. I'm normally okay with my body.
I had my red dress, and tonight - for a change - I decided to put go commando before putting it on. No bra or knickers underneath. Just stockings and my heels. One quick touchup of my lippy, and I was ready to go out with, oh what's his name, the guy who lives opposite me. I had memories of planning to go out with him some time last week, and thought that tonight would be a really good night to make good on my promise.
Even though I couldn't recall exactly when I made that promise.
I knocked on the door and he opened it, smiling. I've never felt so hot in my life. He just looked so dreamy, standing there. And when he invited me in for a quick cuppa first, my heart skipped. I couldn't believe it.
In the kitchen, I must have blanked out from stress for a minute because the next thing was, I was sitting smoking at his kitchen table and he was standing naked in front of me. I have no idea why he was doing this - I must have seen him naked dozens of times already, I am supposed to have memories of this, though I can't for the life of me imagine when if I have never seen the inside of his place before.
He watched me smoking for a bit, standing there naked; then he put on his clothes and took me by the arm. Time to go out to the pub.
It was weird. I've never gone out with the guy before, but when I told him about my studies he couldn't get enough of me. I study Literature in college, specialising in feminist literature since the 1970s. It's important that women everywhere get to share an equal voice with men and equal time - let alone equal pay - and he was drinking in every word. It was amazing, but a little bit strange.
Then I had another idea and I asked him. 'Why not finish the evening in my place, where I can order in a pizza or something?'
'Sure. I'd like that,' he replied.
'It's a deal, then.'
So we went back to my place, and I got him to sit down on the sofa while I ordered in a pizza. I popped back into the living room for a moment.
'I'm going to change. Watch for the pizza, will you?'
Back in my room, I changed out of my dress and lit up. For some reason, for a few minutes I found myself standing staring at the blouse and skirt I'd had on for college earlier. Just standing there naked, my mind a total blank, finishing off my cigarette. Something then compelled me to stand naked by the window for a few minutes too, the curtains wide open, staring down at the street. I just had no idea why. It just seemed like a normal thing to do. There was a passer by. Some old guy walking his dog. He glanced up at me and did a double take. I just continued standing there, staring.
There was a warbling ringing sound coming from the door. That was the intercom. The pizza guy had arrived. I heard the neighbour guy talking to the pizza guy at the door. He paid the pizza guy. The door shut.
My jeans, that I normally wear for roughing it at home or for the weekends, were draped over the armchair. I reached for them instead of my skirt, and slipped them on without putting on my knickers first.
'Did you get the pizza?' I asked as I walked into the living room. My neighbour almost dropped the pizza in shock; the jeans were the only thing I had on, and my breasts stood out proud for him to see.
I smiled, as he stared at me in surprise. 'Shall we eat now?'

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