In her room, I lift her up and prop her on the side of the bed, sitting on the floor. She is out cold. I have brought in a few bits and pieces with me, in a knapsack which I take off and put on the ground. Some oxygen in a small bottle to flush out the xenon, and in another bottle a gaseous hypnotic agent. Only a trace, to keep her lightly sleepy and prevent her from coming fully to once the heavy dose of xenon wore off.
After a time, I hear her moan softly as she tries to come out of her drugged stupor. I turn up the volume of the hypnotic a tiny amount, and down she goes again, her chin resting against her chest.
I pop headphones on her, and turn on an MP3 I've brought along. I cut back the hypnotic altogether; it has a very rapid assimilation and is expelled easily, but not before the subject enters a deep trance state, in which I can implant some useful triggers, all of which are in my MP3.
I watch her as she listens intently to them. Once in a while the MP3 asks her 'Do you understand?' All I see is the occasional 'yes' from her as her unconscious takes in another instruction.
I pause the MP3 a moment. 'Tell me truthfully, now, Cassie: do you like girls?'
Cassie moans softly and smiles. 'Yessss,' she hisses softly.
'Do you like boys?'
'Yessss.' No hesitation. Bisexual. Sweet.
'I'm going to give you more instructions now. Do you understand?'
I turn on the MP3 and let it run. I've only got three more instructions to give her, and then the MP3 runs out and leaves her in a trance to pick up further instructions from me.
One 'yes,' and another a short time later, and finally a third 'Yes,' and that's it. I take off the MP3 and look at her as she sits there, propped against the bed, limp as a rag doll. I remove the mask over her face and mine, once the air is clear.
'And now,' I tell her, 'here is what you are going to go. You can open your eyes and look around. It will be you, the unconscious, inside there and you will follow my instructions.'
'Yes,' Cassie says, opening her eyes and looking up at me.
'Get up now, Cassie.'
Cassie stands up on unsteady feet.
'In a moment, I will tell you to go back to the vanity, but first there is something you can do for me. Take off your clothes.'
Her face expressionless, Cassie slowly removes her underwear, standing naked in front of me. I have a camera and snap a few pics of her.
'Here.' I pick up her pack of cigarettes and offer her one. Automatically, she accepts one and lets me light it for her as I take a few more pictures of her smoking.
'Open the curtains. Go and stand in front of the window.'
Still smoking, Cassie makes her way over to the window and stands in the window, her expression blank as she stares out the window at nothing in particular while people just go by in the street, three floors below, totally oblivious to this gorgeous naked woman standing there.
'Go to the vanity now. Sit down.'
Cassie goes back to the vanity and sits down naked.
'I'm going in a moment,' I tell her, 'but once you hear the front door close, your conscious mind comes back after a few minutes. You'll not remember anything of this. You'll just go back to doing your hair and getting ready for a good night out. Understand?'
I think of one last thing and whisper an instruction in her ear. Cassie smiles. 'Yessss.' Her voice is sibilant, anticipatory. By George, I think I've hooked her.
Grinning, I leave the apartment, closing the door, and head for my flat. Plenty of time now. I only have to wait, and watch the video feed in her room.
The camera's still there, but Cassie's unconscious mind will now edit it out - her conscious mind won't see it, and won't know that it's there. She finishes her cigarette, picks up her brush from the floor and goes back to brushing her long hair, oblivious to the fact that she is naked.
Later, she gets up from the chair, crosses over to the bed and puts on her dress for the evening - a low-cut slinky red thing with straps. On go her shoes, her handbag goes over her shoulder and, like that, Cassie is ready to hit the town.
I hear the door slam. A moment later, there is a knock on the door. I open it. Cassie is standing in the doorway. I smile and say 'Hi.' The moment she locks eyes with me, I watch as her libido climbs up through the roof; her breath catches, her face flushes. Her pupils dilate.
'Can I help you?'
'Hey, I was just wondering something.' Cassie shuffles her feet. 'I'm going out, but I was wondering if you could ...'
My smile broadens. 'Could what?'
Nervous smile. 'Could you come out with me tonight?'
I pause for a moment. 'Sure.'
Her puppylike enthusiasm is infectious. 'Great!'
'Can you give me a moment? I need to change into something.'
'Sure thing.'
'I'll leave the door open,' I tell her, and wander into the interior of my apartment. 'Come on in, if you like. Grab a cuppa while I'm changing.'
'Sure.' I hear her footsteps as she follows me into my place. I lead her into the kitchen and sit her down.
'Grab a cuppa,' I tell her. 'I just put the kettle on.' As she looks for the kettle, she spots a sign sitting above it. One of the triggers I've implanted. Her face goes slack for a moment. I remove the sign, turn to face her.
'I'm going to change in front of you,' I tell her. 'You will find it perfectly normal to see me naked.'
'Yes,' I hear Cassie say. A moment later, she blinks and continues across the kitchen to make her tea.
Two minutes later, while she is sitting at the table drinking the tea, I wander in carrying the clothes I'm going to put on.
'What do you think? Blue or black?' I hold up two shirts.
'Oh, go with the black,' Cassie replies.
'Cool.' I strip off my shirt, wander around topless as she watches.
'So where are you going tonight?' I ask her.
'Oh, the usual,' Cassie replies. I slip off my jeans and stand in front of her wearing only my underpants. 'Students Union bar. You know I'm a student at University?'
'Really? That's amazing.' I strip off my underwear and stand naked in front of her for several seconds. Cassie doesn't even blink, but carries on drinking the tea.
I grin and pick up my best trousers to put on as she finishes her tea. This is going to be a very entertaining evening.
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