The session goes something like this.
You call me on Skype, say, and it's an audio call. I'm on the other end of the line. Okay so far.
Now I just ask you three simple questions, and it's up to you to answer them.
What do you like for breakfast?
I encourage you to think about the breakfast you really like, and talk about it for a bit.
What does the ideal breakfast feel like?
I let you describe how the best breakfast feels like, and encourage you to describe every sensation.
What was the best breakfast you ever had?
You're already thinking about breakfast, and so I ask you to slip back into your mind, go all the way back, let go, just sink back into your memories and let the memory surface. The breakfast where you felt so happy that you unconsciously bookmarked it as the one breakfast that was your happiest breakfast ever.
Just slipping back,letting it all go, the present day's already vanished like a bubble, and all you have is your now, your eretnal eternal now, diffle flange diving into the depths of memory, follow me, all the way, there you go, so sweet, you have never been so relaxed than you are now, and you can relax a little bit more as the moment approaches, and like a door opens and
you are
And you are floating in warm light, enveloping your entire body like a glove, warmth and light filling you, suffusing every part of you with its relaxing glow, nothing but warm light inside you and out, no up, no down, no front, no back, no left, no right, no top, no bottom, no bup, no sos and come with me as the warm light current shifts and takes you, now, to a deep warm place of light, where you are drifting, drifting, so sweetly, all the way, all the way.
Now lastly, and most important, an answer to my questions.
The breakfast that was the happiest one you ever had floats up to you now, like a movie playing in front of you. It is paused, right at the beginning. But you can step into the screen, right now, and the best breakfast you ever had will play automatically, and you'll remember every detail - how old you were, where it was, what you had for breakfast, all the tastes, the scents, the textures, the conversations, the people you were with at the time and how happy you felt - and when you get the answers, your conscious mind will come back, straightaway, and the only thing you will remember in any detail is that breakfast.
Then email me at once and tell me what it is.
I will reply with an email titled "Read me." That will give you further instructions. Your conscious mind won't see it; but you, the unconscious, will - and you, the unconscious, will open the email and carry out the instructions.

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