One daytime TV show had the word "erotic" spoken forty times in two minutes. Two thousand outraged phone calls complaining about this, most of them from panting, sexually aroused Hausfrauen clutching copies of the Daily Mail in their free hand. I think it was a record for this word. Oh, and they were also complaining about the word "orgasm" spoken three times in thirty seconds or something.
Presumably these were all Mums whose kids were at school or something.
This was the month that Hypnotic Erotic went from a mere 50,000 page views to 500,000 page views in the space of three days, and my inbox marked emails from 350 brand new freshly-hypnotised clients a day. I was having to send mass emails to those clients, and suddenly my Skype time was at a premium. Fortunately, enough donations were coming in to my sites that I could afford to enjoy a life of leisure, filling my blogs with scripts and testing the waters at leisure without having to worry about getting money in to pay the bills. I was even able to build my Temple and open my Ministry at last.
After a few weeks of this, I got invited to a daytime TV show, This Morning - Phil Schofield and Holly Willoughby. Unbeknown to them, I'd tranced both them and the producer - so when I said a trigger word, a Pied Piper began playing over the air, and in the studio. Half a million people began uncontrollably dancing wherever they were, as long as they could hear the funky music: and in the studio, Holly and Phil had also got up and started dancing to the irresistible beat, and were taking off their clothes in front of the cameras.
I just love my crazy dreams.
Join Me!
The Temple

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