
Question And Invitation

Would you like me to hypnotise you?

I'm throwing this out to you, the regular visitors to Hypnotic Erotic. I know that a lot of you are regulars of mine, but there are some of you who are not. You're most likely only here for the erotic stories and the fantasy gas and drugging videos, which is great - the more, the merrier, and as videos become available I'm going to continue to post them here.

But there are some of you who are interested in being tranced; who want to be tranced, but who are a tad scared to actually take the plunge and let me hypnotise you.

Now's the opportunity for you to take that chance. I am inviting you to try out a session. Just a light trance, to start with. I have a webcam. If you can Skype, or contact me on Yahoo Messenger, I can arrange for a trance session for you.

Think about it. And if you're interested, Contact me here.

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