
The Purpose Of Hypnotic Erotic

In all this rushing to present you with mesmeric walks through gardens, descents down Italianate towers, treks down through underground metro tunnels and strangely compelling animated twirling spirals, some of you might have stopped at least once to ask the question ...

What do I, your loving blogger and hypnotist, get out of Hypnotic Erotic?

Commendations to everyone who has already asked that question, by the way. It's a good question, and it deserves a good answer. And here is the answer you deserve.

I get you.

What is the point of practising hypnosis, if I didn't have anybody to hypnotise? Where would be the fun in all this book learning, if I didn't have the chance to enjoy using it - and on such a diverse, interesting (nay, fascinating) variety of people?

Along the way, I come to share in your lives. The fun times you have, the suboptimal times, the days you wish you'd put behind you, the nights you wish could last forever - and the more I know about you, the more I want to know.

That is what I get.

I am currently enjoying reading this well-worn Robert Greene book, The Art Of Seduction. Today I was asked, in all innocence, "If you can hypnotise people, and just tell you, the reader, "Take off your clothes #disrobe#," why would you want to be reading this book on seduction?"

The answer is very simple. I don't read books on hypnosis to learn how to hypnotise people - I already can hypnotise you, and hypnotise you very very easily. I read the books so I can understand more about how I felt when I was tranced, which helps me to understand you more. The ways into you; all the doors your unconscious minds leave open, to allow me in without your knowledge.

Similarly, I don't read books on seduction in order to learn how to seduce, or to pick up some cheesy techniques preparatory to going out on the pull. The trance; the conquest; the end result of the hypnosis, the seduction; these are not the end goal.

The goal of my practicing; the raison d'etre of this blog; is the sweet temptation for you to just click on a link, read that hypnotic page, download that voice file, let go and fall.

Why command, when you can persuade?
Why persuade, when you can tempt?
Why tempt, when you can seduce?

So now you know. I hope you can stay. All that has gone before has just been the overture. The main show has only just begun ...

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