What do I, your loving blogger and hypnotist, get out of Hypnotic Erotic?
Commendations to everyone who has already asked that question, by the way. It's a good question, and it deserves a good answer. And here is the answer you deserve.
I get you.
What is the point of practising hypnosis, if I didn't have anybody to hypnotise? Where would be the fun in all this book learning, if I didn't have the chance to enjoy using it - and on such a diverse, interesting (nay, fascinating) variety of people?
Along the way, I come to share in your lives. The fun times you have, the suboptimal times, the days you wish you'd put behind you, the nights you wish could last forever - and the more I know about you, the more I want to know.
That is what I get.
I am currently enjoying reading this well-worn Robert Greene book, The Art Of Seduction. Today I was asked, in all innocence, "If you can hypnotise people, and just tell you, the reader, "Take off your clothes #disrobe#," why would you want to be reading this book on seduction?"
The answer is very simple. I don't read books on hypnosis to learn how to hypnotise people - I already can hypnotise you, and hypnotise you very very easily. I read the books so I can understand more about how I felt when I was tranced, which helps me to understand you more. The ways into you; all the doors your unconscious minds leave open, to allow me in without your knowledge.
Similarly, I don't read books on seduction in order to learn how to seduce, or to pick up some cheesy techniques preparatory to going out on the pull. The trance; the conquest; the end result of the hypnosis, the seduction; these are not the end goal.
The goal of my practicing; the raison d'etre of this blog; is the sweet temptation for you to just click on a link, read that hypnotic page, download that voice file, let go and fall.
Why command, when you can persuade? |
Why persuade, when you can tempt? |
Why tempt, when you can seduce? |
So now you know. I hope you can stay. All that has gone before has just been the overture. The main show has only just begun ...
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