
The Perfect Trigger

When trancing someone, I always install an anchoring trigger in my subjects. An anchoring trigger acts as a switch, bringing the mind back to the deepest part of trance in which you left the subject.

I enjoy inducing trances in people the long way - progressive relaxation, eye closure, light trance. Normally, light trance is all that I need. But sometimes it isn't enough. The conscious mind is too noisy and, while in light trance, it it normally content to sit and watch, sometimes it takes over and breaks the trance, or the conditioning is too strong and the old habits you're trying to break assert themselves as soon as you stop.

So sometimes, you have to bring about a deeper trance; a process that takes a little longer time than the initial induction, but is well worth it.

There are scripts, but I prefer my own, a script that I know works because I've used it on several induction files to deepen the trance immediately the eyes close. It takes time, but then I want it to take time, to let the conscious mind slip into trance. It takes as long as it would take for the mind to slip into regular sleep.

There only remains the trigger. Thus far, I've always used a verbal trigger - and I've had problems finding the best trigger, until recently, when a trigger has turned up, a simple phrase that I can adapt to all my future subjects - but I want to try something different next time.

I want to try a visual trigger.

Specifically, I want to try a small LED light, like a keyring torch or some such. Blink the light three times, and out goes the subject.

That'd work brilliantly for subjects I have to trance in person.

I'm thinking about this, because I'm still overjoyed at the success of one of my experiments so far. Trance-by-text.

I have developed experience enough that I can trance people in person, or across an ocean, by telephone, by email - even with a word in a subject line of an email or a line sent over Instant Messenger. I even have hypnotic status updates on Facebook.

So now I want to set other triggers that stimulate other senses. A scent of a given perfume triggers arousal; the taste of salt inspires pleasure. Things like that. Synaesthesia on demand.

I have a subject whom I will enjoy trancing and inducing deep trances in person. My next appointment falls this Thursday. I'll try some interesting experiments.

1 comment:

  1. wow...interesting with the smell idea...good luck and I await your positive outcomes.
    All the best Dave
