
New Ability: Storytelling

Today, I expanded my repertoire of hypnotic conjuration.

Until now, I have let my clients enjoy sensations large and small - ranging from chocolates on a silver platter to a full length, free-standing, gilt-edged ornate mirror, to visits from people such as Shakira and Leonardo diCaprio.

I've enjoyed making my clients see my creations in the most unlikely of locations. One client saw Serena Williams and a male celebrity, both naked, walk into the crowded Starbucks in which she was sitting. Others have been visited by less famous people who are better known to them: other people's boyfriends or girlfriends, and most memorably the hot mother of one client's girlfriend, after whom he fantasised.

I've conjured up props, ranging from handcuffs to arm restraints, gasmasks to anaesthetic gas bottles. One client enjoyed a unique experience: I conjured up the thundering boom of an explosion on the horizon, followed by the entire room rattling and even a light drizzling of plaster from the ceiling to add authenticity to the terrifying experience.

Last night, though, was a whole new level of weird. This time, my client was immersed in the story completely. The client watched as a story unfolded - the story of a third party client who, in his own bedroom, received, and was seduced by, Shakira.

The client was immersed in the room, and watched the story unfold as I was describing it. When it was over, the immersion ended like a holodeck simulation. "Computer; end program."

So right now, I am looking for a group of volunteers to trance, and to put them through a group experience like this one - only on a much grander scale, totally immersive, and shared.

Email me if you want to join in the fun.

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