It was an intensely personal and private time for my client, and for that 24 hours she wanted, not only for me to not chat with her; for that 24 hours, she wanted to forget that I even existed.
So on Monday evening, I implanted a timed, temporary memory block. For 24 hours, the length of May 25 2016, she would indeed forget that I ever existed. After that period, the memory cap would dissolve and the client would be able to remember everything that had been tucked behind that memory cap.
Yesterday was May 25th, 2016. Her absence was pronounced. It was one night where I hoped that she would not turn up in my chat window, because that would have indicated the failure of my memory cap.
Today, May 26th, just after 13:00 hours, my client contacted me again. Her memory cap had dissolved completely, and she remembered that I exist once again. It was as if she had never been away.
So, barring further client experiments, I can tentatively state that I am now in the business of installing memory caps.
I have moved into territories previously explored only by Philip K Dick. I am now science fiction.
Well, I have always been science fiction or I would never have gone into hypnosis, but you get the drift.

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